Friday, April 18, 2014

Page 227

Assigned reading (2 2/2 pars [] plus 114 notes) [secondary] [McH] [*]

FDV: "The grocer's wife she slips her hand in the haricot bag, the lady in waiting sips her sup from the paraffin can, Mrs the Doctor runs out on the road the moment she hears of a tinkle of thunder {tunder}, the widow Magrievy she knits cats' cradles, this lovely {bountiful} actress hides a sixpence under her tongue, and here's the girl who she went to coldfashion {said {kneeled} in coldfeshion} and told her priest she spat on a chop and this lass not least she's a very rich woman who she writes her {foot} fortunes big times {ever and} over in the nursery dust with her capital toe {thumb}. And these ways wend they. And those ways wend they. Winnie, Olive and Beatrice, Nelly and Ida, Amy and Rue. Here they come back, all the gay pack, for they are the florals, from foncey and pansey to papavere's blush, forsake-me-nought, while there's leaf there's hope, with primtim's ruse and marrymay's blossom, all the flowers of the ancelles' garden. But vicereversing what tornaments of rages racked the divlun's punchpoll as he displaid all the oath word science of his visible disgrace. He dove his head into Wat Murrey, gave Stewart Ryall a puck on the plexus, wrestled a hurrycome-union with the Gille Beg, wiped all his sinses, martial and menial, out of Shrove Sundy MacFearsome, excremuncted himself {as freely like {as} any frothblower} into MacAlister, had a belting bout, chaste to chaste, with McAdoo abutt nothing and inbraced himself for any time untellable"



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