Thursday, September 19, 2013

Page 14

Assigned reading (5 short paragraphs [] plus 165 notes) [secondary] [McH]

FDV: "[Silent] 566 A.D. At that time it came to pass that many fair maidens grieved to their minions were ravished of them by an ogre Europeus Pius and. 1132 A.D. Two sons at one time were born to a goodman & his wife. There were name Primas & Caddy. Primo was a gentleman & came of decent people. Caddy was to Winehouse & wrote a piece of fun. Blooty worse in Ballyaughacleeagh. Peaceably eirinical in grayquiet selfstretches this freedland's plain. Since the times of Hebear and Hairyman the tulipair amass themselves at Rush the cornflowers have been staying at Ballymun,"

We're getting four primary motifs as some sort of historical symmetry:
  • [HCE] Notities! Unum. (Adar.) A bulbenboss surmounted upon an elderman.
    1132 A.D. Men upon Whallfisk/ Blubby wares upat Ublanium.
  • [ALP] Ay, ay! Duum. (Nizam.) A shoe on a puir owld wobban.
    566 A.D. crone sackvulle of quickenshoon/ Bluchy works at Hurdlesford.
  • [Issy] Ah, ho! Triom. (Tamuz.) An auburn mayde, o'brine a'bride, to be desarted.
    566 A.D. damsel ravisht/ Bloody wars in Ballyaughacleeaghbally.
  • [Shem&Shaun] Adear, adear! Quodlibus. (Marchessvan.) A penn no weightier nor a polepost.
    1132 A.D. Two sons/ Blotty words for Dublin.
  • And so. And all. (Succoth.)
ALP-the-hen was just (p11) collecting spattees and breeks and garters and shoesets and fodders, now here she has a sack of shoes...? (Mind your boots goan out!)

The symmetry may suggest a story told backwards first (1132 to 566 to 0), then forwards (0 to 566 to 1132). Eg, a rise and a fall.

The Jewish months show no obvious pattern:
Adar (12/6)
Nisan (1/7)
Tammuz (4/10)
Marchesvan (8/2)

These disciplined variations (like spreadsheet columns) beg for analysis:
Notities! ...Blubby wares upat Ublanium.
Ay, ay! ...Bluchy works at Hurdlesford.
Ah, ho! ...Bloody wars in Ballyaughacleeaghbally.
Adear, adear! ...Blotty words for Dublin.


I.1: 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29


  1. _[Silent]_

    566 A.D.
    At this time it fell out that a brazenlockt damsel grieved _(Sobralasolas!)_ because that Puppette her minion was ravisht of her by the ogre Puropeus Pious.
    Bloody wars in Ballyaughacleeaghbally.

    1132 A.D.
    Two sons at an hour were born until a goodman and his hag.
    These sons called themselves Caddy and Primas.
    Primas was a santryman and drilled all decent people.
    Caddy went to Winehouse and wrote o peace a farce.
    Blotty words for Dublin.

    Somewhere, parently, in the ginnandgoe gap between antediluvious and annadominant the copyist must have fled with his scroll.
    The billy flood rose or an elk charged him or the sultrup worldwright from the excelsissimost empyrean (bolt, in sum) earthspake or the Dannaman gallous banged pan the bliddy duran.
    A scribicide then and there is led off under old's code with some fine covered by six marks or ninepince in metalmen for the sake of his labour's dross while it will be only now and again in our rear of o'er era, as an upshoot of military and civil engagements, that a gynecure was let on to the scuffold for taking that same fine sum covertly by meddlement with the drawers of his neighbour's safe.

    Now after all that, farfatch'd and peregrine or duignant or clere, lift we our ears, eyes of the darkness, from the tome of Liber Lividus and (toh!) how paisibly eirenical, all dimmering dunes and gloamering glades, selfstretches afore us our fredeland's plain!
    Lean neath stone pine the pastor lies with his crook; young pricket by pricket's sister nibbleth on returned viridities; amaid her rocking grasses the herb trinity shams lowliness; skyup is of evergrey.
    Thus, too, for donkey's years.
    Since the bouts of Hebear and Hairyman the cornflowers have been staying at Ballymun,

  2. History and prophecy are mirroring in time.

    The first appearance of Mamalujo was recently discovered in a lost manuscript:

    Mamalujo seem amnesiac and asexual.
