Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Page 63

Assigned reading (2/2 pars [] plus 119 notes) [secondary] [McH]

"fender" is a recurring theme [fweet-11] chosen perhaps for its vague shapelessness? (what sort of parcel could hold it?)

no such/pronoun:
parson/person: 1st, 2d, 3rd
fender/gender: neuter, feminine, masculine
lumber/number: singular, plural
race/case: subject, object

"Flaggy Bridge" may have been around here
[hir newbridge is her old]

22 calibre
A butcher with a blue blouse is an oddly recurring motif (Abel = Shaun?):

063.16 Abelbody in a butcherblue blouse
Lamy: Commentarium in Librum Geneseos I.248: "Abel slaughtered the first-born of his flock in honour of God" (Genesis 4:4)
064.18 ruinating all the bouchers' schurts
064.32 Your machelar's mutton leg's
Italian macellaio: butcher
067.15 the butcher of the blues
067.25 the meatman's family
070.11 bandstand butchery
076.19 a forescut
Dutch voorschoot: apron (e.g. a butcher's)
077.32 meathewersoftened
Dutch vleeschhouwer: butcher (literally 'meat-hewer')
080.08 butcherswood
092.19 pizzicagnoling
Italian pizzicagnolo: pork butcher
111.32 unfilthed from the boucher
118.13 Coccolanius
Latin lanius: butcher
158.30 her boshop's apron
172.05 a different butcher's
190.05 the more bullbeef you butch
213.26 I'll tie my butcher's apron here. It's suety yet.
(the apron is so poorly washed that no one will take it)?
265.F08 A butcher szewched him the bloughs
315.01 A butcheler
338.09 blutcherudd
406.02 from Portarlington's Butchery
587.16 to belt and blucher him
600.29 some butchup's upperon
607.12 fleshers
German Fleischer: butcher

"One Life One Suit (a men's wear store)" suggests being stuck for life in the same job

[muttering Irish... ship hotel]
[the engine of the laws declosed unto Murray]

[boots about the swan]

FDV: "But how untrue. Six feet is not tall. Was it to explode & to force entrance that the man with a bottle of stout in his possession seized by the town guard in his very gateway was in the gateway. How true on first hearing his statement that he had had a lot too much to drink and was falling against the gate yet how lame proceeds his then excuse that he was merely trying to open the bottle of stout by hammering it against the gate for the boots, Maurice Behan, who threw on a pair of pants and came down in his socks"

4DV: "he was answered by the aggravated assaulted that that was for him to find out. But how transparently untrue! Six feet one is not tall. Was it supposedly to explode or to force an entrance that the man in a butcher blue blouse from a men's wear store with a bottle of single stout in his possession seized by the town guard in H.C.E.'s very gateway, was in the gateway? How true on first time of hearing his statement that he had had a lot too much to drink and was only falling against the gate yet how lamely proceeds his then explanation that he was merely trying to open the bottle of stout by hammering it against the gate for the boots in the place, Maurice Behan, who hastily threw on a pair of pants and came down in his socks"



I.3: 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74


  1. The McHugh links have stopped working for me. Did Google Books get a complaint, or detect too much activity???
