Friday, December 20, 2013

[Joyce's numerology]

[to be taken with giant grains of salt until better evidence is offered]

1132 [fweet-50]
(death of Finn MacCool at A.D. 283; 283 x 4 = 1132)

013.36 "566 A.D."
014.07 "566 A.D."
293.13 "Vieus Von DVbLIn"
chronogram: V + V + D + V + L + I = 566 [014.07]
497.26 "his five hundredth and sixtysixth"

 432 [fweet-9]

 111 [fweet-37]
VI.B6.189d: '*A* has 111 children — 3 —' (first dash dittoes 'has', second dash dittoes 'children'; only first four words crayoned)

  29 [fweet-35]

  12 [fweet-60]

   7 [fweet-232?]

013.14 "Dbln. W. K. O. O."
D + B + L + N = 32, W + K + O + O = 64, using A-Z = 1-26 ["64"??]

019.20 "Axe on thwacks on thracks, axenwise. One by one place one be three dittoh and one before. Two nursus one make a plausible free and idim behind."
if x = 1 and y = 36, (x+x+x) times (x+y) = 111 ['36'????]
FDV: "Subdivide and sumdolot → Somedivide and sumthelot
and the tale comes out the same. → but the tally turns round the same balifuson.
Axe plays axe on axe axewise. → Axe on thwacks on thracks, axenwise.
One by one please one be three and one before. →
One by one place one be three, dittoh, and one before.
Two nursus one make free and idem behind. →
Two nursus one make a plausible free and idim behind."

035.24 "K. O. Sempatrick's Day and the fenian rising"
Saint Patrick's Day, 17 March (17) + Fenian Rising, 1867 (67) = 1767 (Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu: The House by the Churchyard, ch. 1: (begins) 'A.D. 1767')

092.12 "a pairless trentene"
30 - 2 = 28

093.12 "the twofromthirty advocatesses"

095.14 "the Kay Wall by the 32 to 11"
using A-Z = 1-26, K = 11, W = 23 (mirrored into 32 and 11)

105.03 "Twenty of Chambers, Weighty Ten Beds and a Wan Ceteroom"
20 + 90 + 1 = 111

159FDV: "28 = 1+2+3+4+5+6+7
14 = 1+6+7 = 2+3+4+5"

159.33 "he'll make Number 106"
using A-Z = 1-26, James Joyce = 106

201.30 "Olaph lamm et, all that pack?"
Hebrew letter values: aleph (A) = 1; lamedh (L) = 30; pe (P) = 80 (1 + 30 + 80 = 111

211.17 "three hundred and sixtysix"

213.27 "Six shifts, ten kerchiefs, nine to hold to the fire and this for the code, the convent napkins, twelve, one baby's shawl."
6 + 10 + 9 + 1 + 12 + 1 = 39 articles of clothing (thirty-nine Articles of Church of England) [534.12]
6 + 10 (9 + 1) + 12 + 1 = 29
6 + 10 = 16 = P; 12 = L; 1 = A (using A-Z = 1-26)

265.25 "only two millium two humbered and eighty thausig nine humbered and sixty radiolumin lines"
190,080 (inches in three miles) x 12 = 5,280 (feet in one mile) x 432 = 2,280,960 (twelfths of an inch in three miles) [.27] [.L05]

271.F01 "All his teeths back to the front, then the moon and then the moon with a hole behind it."
VI.B.45.129: '32 = teeth / 1 = moon / sixerords point hole' (Armenian vecerord: the sixth; Armenian vec: six)
(23 + 1 + 16 = 40)
(32, 1 + 10 = 3211)

282.30 "pin puff pive piff, piff puff pive poo, poo puff pive pree, pree puff pive pfoor, pfoor puff pive pippive, poopive, Niall Dhu, Foughty Unn, Enoch Thortig, endso one, like to pitch of your cap, pac, on to tin tall spillicans"
assuming four = *X* = Roman X = ten, then ten + five = fifteen (one-five)
pippive (one-five, 15) + poopive (two-five, 25) + Niall Dhu (nil-two, -2) + Foughty Unn (41) + Enoch Thortig (31) + endso one (1) = 111

283.F01 "Twelve buttles man, twentyeight bows of curls, forty bonnets woman and ever youthfully yours makes alleven add the hundred."
12 + 28 + 40 + 31 = 111

285.22 "helve's fractures. In outher wards, one from five, two to fives ones, one from fives two millamills with a mill and a half a mill and twos twos fives fives of bully clavers."
twelve factorial = 479,001,600
(5 - 1 = 4)
(2 + 5 x 1 = 7)
(5 x 2 - 1 = 9)
(1000 + ½ x 1000 + 2 x 2 x 5 x 5 = 1600)

286.03 "P.t.l.o.a.t.o."
using A-Z = 1-26, Ptloato = 99 [this is silly!]
FDV: Ploto → Ploato →? p.l.o.t.o.

347.16 "the great day and the druidful day come San Patrisky and the grand day, the excellent fine splendorous long agreeable toastworthy cylindrical day, go Sixt of the Ninth, the heptahundread annam dammias"
Saint Patrick landed in Ireland in A.D. 432 + heptahundred (700 [.19]) = 1132

420.19 "29 Hardware Saint. Lendet till Laonun. Baile-Atha-Cliath. 31 Jan. 11.32 A.D. Here Commerces Enville. Tried Apposite House. 13 Fitzgibbets. Loco. Dangerous. Tax 9d. B. L. Guineys, esqueer. L.B. Not known at 1132 a. 12 Norse Richmound. Nave unlodgeable. Loved noa's dress. Sinned, Jetty Pierrse. Noon sick parson. 92 Windsewer. Ave. No such no. Vale. Finn's Hot. Exbelled from 1014 d. Pulldown. Fearview. Opened by Miss Take. 965 nighumpledansextiffits. Shout at Site. Roofloss. Fit Dunlop and Be Satisfied. Mr Domnall O'Domnally. Q.V. 8 Royal Terrors. None so strait. Shutter up. Dining with the Danes. Removed to Philip's Burke. At sea. D.E.D. Place scent on. Clontalk. Father Jacob, Rice Factor. 3 Castlewoos. P.V. Arrusted. J.P. Converted to Hospitalism. Ere the March past of Civilisation. Once Bank of Ireland's. Return to City Arms. 2 Milchbroke. Wrongly spilled. Traumcondraws. Now Bunk of England's. Drowned in the Laffey. Here. The Reverest Adam Foundlitter. Shown geshotten. 7 Streetpetres. Since Cabrank. Seized of the Crownd. Well, Sir Arthur. Buy Patersen's Matches. Unto his promisk hands. Blown up last Lemmas by Orchid Lodge. Search Unclaimed Male. House Condamned by Ediles. Back in Few Minutes. Closet for Repeers. 60 Shellburn. Key at Kate's. Kiss. Isaac's Butt, Poor Man. Dalicious arson. Caught. Missing. Justiciated. Kainly forewarred. Abraham Badly's King, Park Bogey. Salved. All reddy berried. Hollow and eavy. Desert it. Overwayed. Understumped. Back to the P.O. Kaer of. Owns owe M.O. Too Let. To Be Soiled. Cohabited by Unfortunates. Lost all Licence. His Bouf Toe is Frozen Over. X, Y and Z, Ltd, Destinied Tears. A.B, ab, Sender. Boston (Mass). 31 Jun. 13.12 P.D."
31 is AL in Hebrew numerology
13 is AL if using A-Z = 1-26
(13 is opposite of 31)
(92 is opposite of 29)
Battle of Clontarf, 1014

586.23 "half back from three gangs multaplussed on a twentylot add allto a fiver with the deuce or roamer's numbers ell a fee and do little ones"
VI.B6.046g: 'with ten off 3 twenty & 7 on top of that = 57'
(plus five plus two)

601.13 "Fiftines andbut fortines by novanas andor vantads by octettes ayand decadendecads by a lunary with last a lone."
VI.B.3.076c (b): 'Is when she first counted 15 then 14'
Fritz Mauthner: Beiträge zu einer Kritik der Sprache, III.151: (lists nine languages in which the number eighteen is composed in ten different ways)
15 + 14 = 9 + 20 = 8 + 21 = 28 + 1 = 29 [??]

617.23 "Femelles will be preadaminant as from twentyeight to twelve."
twenty-eight to twelve = 11:32 [maybe]

618.13 "about 4.32 or at 8 and 22.5"
Saint Patrick landed in Ireland in A.D. 432
eight and twenty to five = 4:32 [but 22.5 would be 4:40]

619.27 "Terce for a fiddler, sixt for makmerriers, none for a Cole."
VI.B.47.034a (g): 'terce for a fiddler sixt for a none for a Cole'
3 + 6 + 0 = 9 [so what?]

627.14 "A hundred cares, a tithe of troubles and is there one who understands me?"
100 + 10 + 1 = 111 [i got 111 problems...]

628.02 "my cold mad feary father"
Roman numeral MCM (1900) + German vier: 4 = 1904 [way too clever]


  1. who proposed the Z=26 theory? did jaj ever cite it himself? (if not, i think we can drop it-- the examples are all flimsy.)

  2. This is fantastic, thanks for posting.
