Friday, May 16, 2014

Page 256

Assigned reading (4 1/2 pars [] plus 140 notes) [secondary] [McH] [*]

FDV: "And eher you could pray merry to goodness or help to the rescue Gallus's hen has collared her pullets. Their bone of contention makes home in the flesh while beer, wine & spirits for consumption on the premises is hued & cried of all the colours. And they wear tearing, simply tearing. Samply tee hee eh ah are eye end gee yes. For too quickly are coming lessons and goody. {A little cloud hangs above.} Singabed cries before sleep. Light at night has alps on his pectus."

2DV: "And eher you could pray merry to goodness or help to the rescue Gallus's hen has collared her pullets. Their bone of contention makes home in the flesh while beer, wine & spirits for consumption on the premises is hued & cried of all the colours. And they wear tearing, simply tearing. Samply tee hee eh ah are eye end gee yes. For too quickly are coming lessons and goody. Greeked daughter arabis & their wonsumsbible class. Fines's French Compliments, who was the whatshisname, what happened to the 32nd of the eleventh, amnis Anguished axes Colts, with GPO in centre and DUTC on radient describe a cycling NCRRCS, what were the sound waves saying that ceased ere they told their song. A little cloud hangs above. Singabed cries before sleep. Light at night has alps on his pectus. Thick head and thin butter? After you with me?"



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