Thursday, February 27, 2014

Page 176

Assigned reading (2/2 pars [] plus 154 notes) [secondary] [Leeds] [McH] [*]

0DV: "hat in the ring, Shiela & the cow, here's the fat to grease the priest's boots & it's now notoriously known that when bloody Sunday when the grand germogall fight was raging between those fighting men extraordinary he corked himself up in his inkbottle and hid under a bedtick"

1DV: "hat in the ring, Shiela Harnett & her cow, here's the fat to grease the priest's boots & it's now notoriously known how on that surprisingly bloody Sunday when the grand germogall battle all star bout was gaily raging between those fighting men extraordinary & Irish eyes of blue were smiling he fled for his bare life corked himself up in his inkbottle badly the worse for drink and hid under a bedtick with his face enveloped in an overcoat"

FDV2: "hat in the ring, Sheila Harnett & her cow, here's the fat to grease the priest's boots, and it is now notoriously known how on bloody Unity Sunday when the grand germogall all star bout was gaily the rage between our fighting men extraordinary & eyes of Irish blue were smiling up their sleeves, the scut fled for his bare life & corked himself up tight in his inkbottle house badly the worse for drink & hid under a bedtick with his face enveloped in an overcoat"

FDV3: "hat in the ring, Sheila Harnett & her cow, put the wind up the other fellow, Healy Baba & the 40 Thieves, here's the fat to grease the priest's boots, and it is now notoriously known how on that surprisingly bloody Unity Sunday when the grand germogall all star bout was gaily the rage between our fighting men extraordinary & eyes of Irish blue were smiling up their sleeves rank funk getting the better of him, the scut fled for his bare life, without having struck one blow, & corked himself up tight in his inkbottle house badly the worse for drink & when he hid under a bedtick with his face enveloped in a dead warrior's overcoat"



I.7: 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195

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