Saturday, March 8, 2014

Page 185

Assigned reading (1 2/2 pars [] plus 97 notes) [secondary] [McH] [*]

First of all the Master Maker, the Exalted Seedsower, who positioned himself close to the life-giving and all-powerful earth with buttocks as bare as the day they merged from the womb, lifted up his raincoat and unfastened his underpants, weeping and groaning, but without any shame or anyone's by-my-leave, and loosened his bowels into his hand (highly prosy, crap in his hand, sorry!); next, after he had been relieved of this dark blast and was trumpeting a call to action, he deposited his own shit (that is what he terms his droppings) into a receptacle which once was the respectable urn of grief; then, into that same urn, with an invocation to the twin brothers Medardus and Godardus, he joyfully and mellifluously pissed, while chanting in a loud voice the Psalm which begins "My Tongue is the Pen of a Scribe who Writes Speedily" (did a piss, says he was dejected, asks to be exonerated); finally, from the foul crap that had been mixed with the sweet essence of godlike Orion, and baked and exposed to the cold, he created for himself indelible ink (faked O'Ryan's, the indelible ink). [cite]

-1DV: "Sings hymn: lingua Lingua mea calamus scribae, veliciter scribentis."
0DV: "boycotted, local publican refuse to supply books, papers, ink, foolscap, makes his own from dried dung sweetened with spittle (ink) writes universal history on his own body (parchment) [...] Primum gemens in manum evacuavit (sh-t in his hand, groaning) postea stercus proprium, quod apellavit dejectiones meae, exoneratus in poculum posuit, idem melliflue minxit psalmum qui incipit Lingua mea calamus scribae velociter scribentis magna voce cantitans (did a p-ss, says he was dejected, asks to be exonerated) demque ex stercore vili mix cum Orionis, jucunditate encaustum sib fecit indelibilem (O'Ryan, the devil's own ink)"

1DV: "boycotted, local publican refuse to supply books, papers, synthetic ink, foolscap, makes his own from dried dung sweetened with spittle (indelible ink) writes universal history on his own body (parchment) [...] Primum flens et gemens in manum suam evacuavit (sh-t in his hand, sorry) postea stercus proprium, quod apellavit dejectiones meas, exoneratus in poculum tristitiae posuit, eodem lentiter et melliflue minxit psalmum qui incipit Lingua mea calamus scribae velociter scribentis magna voce cantitans (did a p-ss, says he was dejected, asks to be exonerated) demque ex stercore turpi cum divi Orionis, jucunditate encaustum sib fecit indelibilem (speaking of O'Ryan, the devil's own ink)"

FDV2: "never needed such an alcove for his purpose and when George W Robber, the paper king, boycotted him of stationery for any purpose he went away & made it himself with his wits' ends. {How? Let it be veiled in the language of blushing cardinals lest Anglican cardinals, reading his own words, behold the scarlet on the brown of the of Babylon yet feel not the pink one in his cheek} Primum flens et gemens in manum suam evacuavit (sh-t in his hand, sorry) postea stercus proprium quod appellaviat dejectiones meae, in poculum tristitiae posuit, eodem lentiter ac melliflue minxit psalmum qui incipit: Lingua mea calamus scribae velociter scribentis: magna voci cantitans (did a p-ss, says he was dejected, asks to be exonerated) denique ex stercore turpi cum divi Orionis jucunditate mixto, cocto, frigorique exposito encaustum sibi fecit indelibilem (made O'Ryan the devil's own ink). With the dye he wrote minutely, appropriately over every part of the only foolscap available, his own body, till"

FDV3: "never needed such an alcohove for his purpose and when George W Robber, the stat paper king, boycotted him of all stationery & muttonsuet candles for any purpose he went away & made synthetic ink for & unruled foolscap parchment for himself out of his wits' ends. How? Let the manner & the matter of it for these our sporting times be cloaked up in the language of blushfed cardinals that the Anglican cardinal, not reading his own rude speech, may always behold the scarlet brand on the brown of her of Babylon yet feel not the pink one in his own damned cheek Primum {ad terram viviparam et cunctipotentem nec ullo pudori nec venia natibus nudix uti nudi fuissent sese adpropinquans} flens et gemens in manum suam evacuavit (sh-t in his hand, sorry) postea stercus proprium quod appellaviat dejectiones meae, in vasum olim honoribilem tristitiae posuit, eodem lente ac melliflue minxit psalmum qui incipit: Lingua mea calamus scribae velociter scribentis: magna voci cantitans (did a p-ss, says he was dejected, asks to be exonerated) denique ex stercore turpi cum divi Orionis jucunditate mixto, cocto, frigorique exposito encaustum sibi fecit indelibilem (made O'Ryan the devil's own ink). With the double dye he wrote minutely, appropriately over every part of the only foolscap available, his own body, till one"



I.7: 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195

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