Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Page 152

Assigned reading (5 2/2 pars [] plus 150 notes) [secondary] [*]

FDV: "While, for ought I care for the contrary?, the all is where as love in war and where my art was you'd aisy run a thunder from and where I cling 'tis there I climb and where Innocent looks best there is holly in his ives. As my explanations are probably above your understandings I shall revert to a method which I frequently use with muddleclass pupils. Imagine for my purpose that you are a squad of urchins, snifflynosed, gandernecked, clothaired, tingled in your pants etc etc. And you, Jones, take your tongue out of your inkpot! As none of you know javanese I will give you a free translation of an old fibulist. The Moose and the Grapes A moose he would a walking go so he put on his impermeable and stepped out of his immoble and set off to see how badness in the west of all possible words. He had not made but a few parsecs when at the dirty of a wrong lane he met the Grapes."

FDV2: "While, while ought I care for the contrary?, the all is where in love as war and the place plane where me arts were soar you'd aisy rouse a thunder from and where I clingtrue 'tis there I climb tree and where Innocent looks best (pick!) there's holly in his ives. As my explanations here are probably above your understandings I shall revert to a method which I frequently use with muddleclass pupils. Imagine for my purpose that you are a squad of urchins, snifflynosed, goslingnecked, clottyheaded, tingled in your pants etc etc. And you, Smith, take your tongue out of your inkpot! As none of you know javanese I will give you a free translation of the old fibulist. The Moose and the Gripes A moose he would a walking go so he drubbed his eyes, ascented his nose, packed up his ears put on his impermeable and stepped out of his immoble and set off to see how badness in the waste of all parsable words. He had not made but a few parsecs when at the dirty of a wrong lane he came upon a stream."



I.6: 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168

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