Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Page 167

Assigned reading (2/2 pars [] plus 131 notes) [secondary] [*]

FDV: "with an elusive Antonius who would seem a personal interest in chees of all chades while he has an antonine art of being rude like the boor. The Antonius-Burrus-Caseous equation may be said to be the qualis equivalent to the older talis on talis one. And this is why any fool you like to dress may be awfully green on one side and frightfully blue on the other which will not screen him from appearing in my eyes as a bloody blasted bleating blatant bloaten blooming blephorous idiot! No. I have now said it and what, if not the Word of Man, is Sacred. Ubi lingua nuncupassit ibi fas Adversus hostem semper sac! She that will not bear me preach let her be to thee as the hoyden and the impudent! That man that hoth not moses in his soul nor is not mused by the conquist"

FDV2: "with an elusive Antonius who would seem to hug a personal interest in refined chees of all chades while he wags an antomine art of being rude like the boor. The Antonius-Burrus-Caseous grouptriad may be said to equate the qualis equivalent with the older socalled talis on talis one. And this is why any simple fool you like to dress may be awfully green on one side and frightfully blue on the other which will not screen him from appearing in my eyes as a bloody blasted bleating blatant bloaten blooming blephorous idiot! No. I have now said it 12 tabular times and what, if not the Word of Man, is Sacred. Wrong Wing man in his wrong rong place right words in the right order. Ubi lingua nuncupassit ibi fas Adversus hostem semper sac! She that will not bare me preach let her be to thee as the hoyden and the impudent! That man that hoth no moses in his soul nor is not mused by the conquist"



I.6: 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168

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