Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Page 139

Assigned reading (3 2/2 pars [] plus 116 notes) [secondary] [*]

FDV: "stutters when he falls and gets up when he's waked, is Timb in the pearly morn and Tomb in the weeping night and if he had all the red bricks of Babylon he'd been ogling a poor wall?
Answer - Finn MacCool!
2. Does your mutter know your mike?
Answer - If she's plain she's purty, if she's fain she's flirty, if she's if he's dane she's dirty With her hair in streams and her cool cajolery and her darkish drollery, for to rouse his rudderup or to drench his dreams. If great wise Hammurabi and Ecclesiastes could but hear her prattlings, faith, they'd rise amain to renounce their ruings, and denounce their doings foriver and and river, and a night. Amen!
3. Which is the truest title for that Tiec for Teac which is not whichcraft whichcroft not Ousterholm not Haraldsby not Vatandcan not Houseboat and Hive not Knox-at-a-Belle not O'Faynix Coalprince not Wohn Squarr Roomyegg not Ebblawn Downes not Le Decer"

FDV2: "blows whiskey around the head but thinks stout upon his feet, was dubbed out of joke and limned in raw ochre, stutters when he falls and goes mad entirely when he's waked, is Timb to the pearly morn and Tomb by the mourning night and though he had all the baked bricks of bould Babylon to his lusting placys he'd be lost for the want of an ould wubblin wall?
Answer - Finn MacCool!
△ 2. Does your mutter know your mike?
Answer - When I turn me optics / From such urban prospects / Tis my filial bosom's / Doth Behold with pride / That pontificator / And circumvallator with his dam so garrulous / All by his side. / Annealive, the lisp of her / Would make mountains whisper her / And the bergs of Iceland / Melt in waves of fire / And her spoon me spondees and her meet me yonders drickle-me-yondees / Make the rageous Ossean kneel to her / And quaff a lyre. / If Dann's plane Ann's purty, if he's fane she's flirty, if she's if he's dane she's dirty with her auburn streams and her coy cajoleries and her dabblin drolleries, for to rouse his rudderup or to drench his dreams. If hot Hammurabi and cowld Clesiastes could espy her pranklettes, they'd break bounds again, and renounce their ruings, and denounce their doings for river and river, and a night. Amen!
◻ 3. Which title is the true-to-type motto-in-lieu for that Tiec for Teac thatchment which is not whichcroft not Ousterholm Dreyschluss not Haraldsby, Grocer, not Vatandcan, Vintner, not Houseboat and Hive not Knox-atta-Belle not O'Faynix Coalprince not Wohn Squarr Roomyeck not Ebblawn Downes not Le Decer"



I.6: 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168

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