Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Page 226

Assigned reading (3 2/2 pars [] plus 108 notes) [secondary] [McH] [*]

FDV: "Poor Isad sits a glooming, so gleaming in the gloaming. She is fading out like Journee's clothes so you can't see her now. Still we know how Day the Dyer works, in dims and deeps and dusks and darks. And among the shades that Eve's now wearing she'll meet anew fiancy, tryst and trow. For though she's unmerried she'll after truss up and help that hussyband how to hop. Hip it and romp it and chirrub and sing for {Lord} Chuffy's now {sky} sheraph and Glugg's got to swing. So and so, toe by toe, to and fro they go round, for they are the ingelles, scattering nods as girls who may, for they are an angel's garland. Catchmire stockings, liberty{ed} garters, shoddyshoes quicked out with selver. Pennyfeir caps on pinnyfore frocks and a ring on her somefing finger. And they leap so looply, looply, as they link to light. And they look so loovely, loovelit, all in a nuptious night. Whithasly glints in. Andecoy glants out. They ramp it a little, a lessle, a lissle. Then romp rightround in rout. R is Rubretta and A is Arancia, Y is for Yilla and N for Greenerin. B is Boyblue with odalisque O while W waters the fleurettes of novembrance. Though they're all but merely a schoolgirl yet these way went they."



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