Sunday, June 8, 2014

Page 279

Assigned reading (3 pars [] plus 182 notes) [secondary] [McH] [*]

synopsis: 'memorising liquid music — Issy's letter'

[me severe]

6DV: "Come, smooth of my slate to the beat of my blosh. With all these gelded ewes jilting about and the thrills and ills of laylock blessoms there's so more plants than chants for cecilies that I was thinking fairly killing times of putting and end to myself and my malody when I remembered allyour erringnesses. You sh'udn't write you can't if you w'udn't pass for undevelopemented. This is the propper way to say that. If it's me chews to swallow all you saidn't you can eat my words for it as sure as there's a key in my kiss.
    Quick erit faciofacey when we will conjugate together toloseher tomaster tomiss while morrow fans amare hour verbe de vie and verve to vie, with love ay loved have I on my back spine and does for ever. My intended who I'm thrown away on I'll take silk get my decree and take seidens when I'm not ploughed first by some lassing lad Rolando the Lasso and flaunt on the flimsyfilmsies for to grig my collage juniorees who though they flush fuchsia & blench - - - - are they twentyeight octette and virginity in my shade but always my figurants. [They may be yea of my year but [they're] nay of my day. [Wait till spring has sprung in spickness and prigs beg in to pry they'll be plentyprime of housepets to pimp and pamper my.]] Nature tells everybody about it but I learned all the runes of the gamest game ever from my old nourse Asa. A most adventuresting trot is her and she vicking well knowed them all heartswise and fourwords. How Olive D'Oyly and Winnie Carr bejupers they reized a Saladmon & how a peeper coster & salt sailor med a mustied poet atweemem. Sago sound, rite go round, kill kackle, kook kettle and bolt the thor. Auden. Wasn't it just divining that dog of a day as I sat uppum their Drewitt's altar, as cooledas a culcumbwe, with you offering me clouts of illscents and them homers stagstruck on the leasward! Don't be of red, you blanching mench. The good father with the twingling in his eye will always have cakes in his picket to bethroat us with for our alimicheal good. Amum. And Amum again. For tough troth is stronger than fortuitous fiction and it's the surplice money, oh my young friend and ah me sweet creature, what buys the bed while wits borrows the clothes.
    Such is, A.N. date intended Dear (name of desired subject) And, well, I go on to. Teach me how to carve deer, tease me how to curve Treat me all I'll long to till I turtle like a dove durve. And I near bruk the one to two tooth! I had (misha! misha!) on your same old superior quality tufftuff buffstag as Pop Mop and Pop knows it nosed donekiss years after, buck luck to it. Here's my hate come in back to me mate the swoon I moil you when you'd maid me when you named yourself as virgin as before you after hich your sole desire was to cease to be.

VI.A "[Shem] idea of happiness to cease to be."

    Indeed the most incredible experiences have everywhen concomitated to indue upon the lissom limbs of this pious and pure fair one whose fount Bandusian plays liquick sunlight, whose afterodour sighs of musk regretted, whose silence shines as sphere of silver, behold then, these unmatchables, her driers, hereover till latter Lammas is led in by both our washwives a weird of wonders tenebrous as the that evil thorngarth blithe as this blowing wild.

Regretfeeling that this is that girl he looks back to her for his to try not to love her or art though she knows its hard."
1. Come, cool of my slate, to the beat of my blush
2. with all this gelded youth about I just feel the thrills and ills of like putting an end to myself
3. You sh'u'dn't write you ca'nt if you w'u'dn't pass for underdevelopmented
4. If it's me chews to swallow all you saidn't you can eat my words for it, as sure as their's a key in my kiss. I learned all the values of the gamest game ever from my old norse Asa [and she vicking well knowed them heartwises. A most adventuresting trot is her.] Quick erit faciofacey when we'll conjugate tomorrow at amare hour.
5. I intend to take silk to grigg all my juniors when I'm mineteen
6. (Nature tells everybody about it)
8. Wasn't it too just divining that dog of a day as I sat on the Drewitt's altar, as cooled as a culcumber with you offering me up insilse illscents & the horners stagstruck on the leasward.
9. the good father with the twinkle in his eye will always have cakes in his pocket to bethroat us with for our allmicheal good.
10. for, troth being stronger than fortuitous fiction, it's the surplice, money, my young friend & sweet creature, [(flash if you stand for it, blush if you're touched)] buys the bed with the clothes.
Insertion (incipit epistola)
    May the bridies feed the sweetnesses no more moremirror mornings from my lips lisplips, pipette, nor the dye of the wood's bluebells write no more kisslines or my tiny fives. Your other one may have her picture photo leaning against her Piggott's piano she's not a patch on pretties you saw the manys the times I climbed the tries.
fairy lives
Boaster! That women faint around you when you enter!
while waiting for that when where both will for the parriage priest.
he proud of the cockhold of his hat & she pleased to be wearing the trousseaurs.
wherefor Luiz can write what Ella can't read or veesyversy, how about it?
till usquebaughing changes him and she sells her auctors by minction.
blish blast by Bethlem God, by Vainas Estherti,
from this posthouse
As you haste to pass
Tis with over your litter
I wept weeped my last
Well —
& borrows the clothes both (as slick as Cipollo & as sane as Susina, flimsy—filmsy.

"which was all your ~—-- middle ages replies of the poetics, Mr Faithful & Fervent, to my fine silver hallmarked as familli teapot" and "clutched yourself."



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