Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Page 233

Assigned reading (15 pars [] plus 161 notes) [secondary] [McH] [*]

FDV: "and if he hadn't got it toothick he'd a telltale tall of his pitcher on a wall with his photure in the papers for cutting moutonlegs and capers letting on he'd just be papers and his tail cooked up. Angelinas, hide from light those hues that your ain beau may bring to night! Though down on {to} your dowerstrip he's bent to knee he maun't know ledgings here. For a haunting way will go and you need not make your mow. Find the frenge for frocks and translace it into shocks of such as touch with show and show. / He is guessing at hers for all he is worse. Hark to his wily geeses goosling by, my and playfair, lady. / —Haps thee ore candy? / —Now. / —Haps thee mayjaunties? / —Nowhow. / —Haps thee per causes nunsibelli? / —Nowhowhow. / Get. / And he did a get; for he could chew upon a skarp snakk of pure undefallen engelsk as raskly and as baskly as your cow cudd spanich."



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