Saturday, April 26, 2014

Page 236

Assigned reading (1 2/2 pars [] plus 137 notes) [secondary] [McH] [*]

FDV: "So come all ye wealthy gentrymen with ladyfulls of fun! The jolly and the lively, thou billy with thee coo, to jog a jig on a crispness night and sing a missal too. Hip champouree! Hiphip champouree! O you longtailed blackman, poke it up behind me! Hip champouree! Hiphip, champouree! And, jessies, push the pumkik round, Annaliuia! Since the days of Roamaloose and Rehmoose the pavanos have been stridend through their Struts of Chapelldiseut, the vaulsies have meed and youdled through the purly ooze of Ballybough, many a mismy cloudy has tripped tauntily along that Hercourt strayed reelwey and Thyme, the chef of seasoners, has made his usual astewte use of endajustibles-- and though since then sterlings and guineas have been replaced by brooks and lions and some progress has been made on stilths and the races have come and gone and whatnot willbe isnor was those danceadeils and cancanzanies have come stimmering down for our begayment through the deafdom of pa's teapucs, as lithe as limb free limber as when momie played at ma. Such their petals are each of all has a stalk unto herself love and all of all of their understamens is as open as she posably feel it and turned straightout or sidewaist"

2DV: "So come ye wealthy gentrymen with ladyfulls of fun! The jolly and the lively, thou billy with thee coo, for to jog a jig on a crispness night and sing a missal too. Hip champouree! Hiphip champouree! O you longtailed blackman, poke it up behind me! Hip champouree! Hiphip, champouree! And, jessies, putsh the pumkik round, Annaliuia! Since the days of Roamaloose and Rehmoose the pavanos have been stridend through their struts of Chapelldiseut, the vaulsies have meed and youdled through the purly ooze of Ballybough, many a mismy cloudy has tripped tauntily along that hercourt strayed reelwey and the rigadoons have held ragtimed revels on the plateauplainof Grangegorman; and though since then sterlings and guineas have been replaced by brooks and lions and some progress has been made on stilths and the races have come and gone and Thyme, the {that} chef of seasoners, has made his usual astewte use of endadjustables and whatnot willbe isnor was those danceadeils and cancanzanies have come stimmering down for our begayment through the bedeafdom of po's greats, the obcecity of pa's teapucs, as lithe as limb free limber as when momie played at ma. Just so stylled are their petals are each of all has a stalk unto herself love and all of all of their understamens is as open as he can posably she and tournasoled straightout or sidewaist according to the courses of"



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