Thursday, December 5, 2013

Page 92

Assigned reading (1 2/2 pars [] plus 121 notes) [secondary]

[the captivating youth] abc sheet
[masculine Oirisher Rose]
[♬ dindy dandy?]
[dindy dandy sugar de candy]
[♬ mechree]
[♬ postheen flowns] lyrics
[♬ belive them of all his untiring young dames]
[all all alonely]

FDV: "Though Pegger's Windup contrasted so neatly with the tristitone of the wet pinter's as were they opposites, evolved by the power of nature & spirit as the sole means & condition of its manifestation, polarised for reunion by the symphysis of their antipathies. Distinctly different were their destinies. While the maidies of the bar clustered & flattered around the willingly pressed, complimenting him on having all his senses about him, sticking hyacinths in his hair, & bringing busses to his cheeks, legando round his nice new neck for him & pizzicando at his willywags it was not unobserved by the court that for one among all, with unmixed admiration he seemed blindly, mutely, hands over ears fascinated when she shining aminglement, the shay of his shifting into the shimmering of hers till the wishwish of her shashay melted musically mid the deepdeep of his shayshaun [...] The four judges Unchus Munchus, Punchus and Pylax could no more than pass"

FDV2: "The hilarious hilariohoot of Pegger's Windup contrasted so neatly with the tristitone of the wet pinter's as were they opposites, evolved by a powers of nature & spirit as the sole means & condition of its manifestation, polarised for reunion by the symphysis of their antipathies. Distinctly different were their destinies. Whereas the maidies of the bar fluttered & flattered around the willingly pressed, complimenting him on having all his senses about him, sticking hyacinths in his curls, & bringing busses to his cheeks, legando round his nice new neck for him & pizzicando at his woolywags it was not unobserved by their worships that by one among all wild gentian of the hills Makegiddculling reeks, in unmixed admiration he seemed blindly, mutely, speechlessly anamourate while with heruponhim shining aminglement, the shay of his shifting into the shimmering of hers till the wild wishwish of her shashay melted moist musically mid the dark deepdeep of his shayshaun [...] {And whereas} Distracted (for was not just this, in effect, which had just caused that the effect of that which it had caused to occur) The four judges Uncius Muntius, Punchus and Pylax put their wigs together but could do no more than pass"



I.4: 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103

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